Kaleidoscope photograph

This is my  kaleidoscope Photograph ,Which I have made in my photograph class. I first  designed it onto a square that was folded onto 4 sections. I drew on the first square and kept on tracing it on the oner ones .Once all of it was on all four squares, I had to draw and on  another piece of papers the  creases on the draft paper didn't show .After it was on  the final paper, I shaded it in ,and took a piece of a photograph paper to see how much  time I have to put it on . 5 seconds , 10 seconds , 15 second and so on. I had to do it under 20 seconds. Once it was complete , I had to  soak it under multiple liquids so  the silver in the paper would stop. This was  my second project and it  definitely was fun.

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