Element of Art

In this project I checked out a camera from my teacher .After that I want to Coronado and took a lot of pictures. I focussed on take pictures of elements of art Line,Shape,Texture,and value. After that I choose twelve  pictures three from each element and edit them in Photoshop.
The photo above is an example of line. I took a picture of a tree that cut and the lines represent the repeat.I took this picture at coronado beach around 5:30 p.m. I took this picture because it's the best type of line.The ISO of this picture is 800,and the shutter speed was 1/1000second and F-stop of this picture is f/18. I might change about the photo from down side.
I chose this picture of flowers to represent shape because a flower isn't typical square or triangle,but a more complex shape that generally stays consistent in each little flower. I took tis picture because it's the best type of the shape .I took this picture at my apartment around 4:25.p.m. The ISO of this picture is 1600, the shutter speed was 1/125 second and F-stop of this picture is f/5.6. I might change about the photo is to take it with their group.
This is my favorite picture from the fast shutter speeds.I took this at coronado and I catching the sun in action. I took this picture at coronado bach around 6.p.m. I took tis picture ,because it's the best type of value .I like the lighting of this photo and the shadows .The ISO of this picture is 800,the shutter speed was 1/1000second and F-stop of this picture f/14. I might change about the photo is to take it more earlier.
I took this picture by my self in the coronado beach around 4 p.m. this picture have shape line and texture in one. But it is more like texture. I took this picture ,because it's the best type of texture .The ISO of this picture is 160, The shutter speed was 1/125second and F-stop of this picture f/5.0.I might change about the photo is to take it with  the zoom in.

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