The Art of Composition

This is the Art of Composition which is Lines, Rule of 1/3, Framing, Simplicity. This project was fun because you should go outside to take some cool pictures. For this project I have to take four different pictures of each theme.

I took this picture in ''Balboa park''.i took this picture at 4 refers to the simplicity subject .The exposure and the metadata are ISO 300-55mm- f/7.1 1/2000 sec it refereed to simplicity.

I took this picture in ''Balboa Park'. I took this at 3pm . It refers to the ''lines'' subject I took picture because it 's show lines.The exposure and the meta data are Iso 103 19mm- f/6.0 1/300 sec it refereed to the line.
I took this picture I'm Balboa park.I took this picture at the refers to the Framing subject . I took this picture because ti 's show framing. The ISO was 300-20 mm- f/5.3 1/1500 sec it refereed Framing because there are framing in the picture .

I took this picture in the mission beach . i took this picture at 5 pm. It refers to the Rule of 1/3 subject .I took this picture because i love the sunset. The ISO was 400-33 mm F/5.3  1/500 sec it's referred to the Rule of 1/3 .

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